M.Ed. in Elementary Education

The College of Education offers a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Elementary Education (masters + teaching license) for adults who have earned a bachelor’s degree (i.e., you are post baccalaureate), may have some professional work experience, and want to obtain teaching credentials for grades preK-6. This program is designed to meet the needs of adult learners, with courses offered in the evenings and/or offered in a blended or online format. The program of study combines course work and field experiences to prepare candidates for teacher licensure.

Candidates for licensure in Elementary Education will complete coursework and field-based experiences in preparation for teaching in PreK- 6th grade settings. Candidates for licensure in this program must possess a bachelor’s degree with a major in the liberal arts. They must complete the professional studies course requirements listed below-or equivalent courses verified by a program advisor and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and content fields (English, mathematics, history/social science, arts/humanities and science). Transcript review, portfolio, Praxis II scores, and other forms of assessment will determine proficiency in these competencies. Candidates must be proficient in all competencies to be recommended for licensure.

The internship (student teaching), required for all licensure completers in the Initial Licensure Program, is a semester long field-based teaching experience in the appropriate grade level or subject area. Self-analysis and reflection on planned and implemented instruction and frequent conferences with the mentor teacher and the university supervisor are prominent aspects of the experience.  Because the internship must be a supervised experience, student teaching placements are made in schools local to the university.

Refer to the Academic Catalog for information on required courses.

Documents, Deadlines & Policies

Graduate Admissions


Testing Information

Program Policies: Graduate Program Catalog

Questions about the this program, contact:

Dr. April Brecht
Director of Advising Center Services
Phone: (540) 286-8032
Email: abrecht@umw.edu