Why the College of Education at the University of Mary Washington?
The University of Mary Washington has been educating teachers and leaders in education since 1908. A leader in Virginia teacher preparation, the College of Education invites you to consider our programs and join us.
The University of Mary Washington has earned the respect of school districts throughout the state and region for the high quality of its academic programs as well as its graduates in the field of education.
Teaching you is our priority. The faculty are committed to providing you with transformative experiences to help you become skilled, reflective and responsive practitioners, well-prepared to meet 21st century challenges.
COE Ambassadors Quick College of Education Rundown – Watch Here
Which Program is Right for You?
Undergraduate Programs
Are you an entering Freshmen, currently enrolled, or a transfer student at UMW?
Check out our Undergraduate Programs.
Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Program Checksheets
Admission to the Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Have a bachelors degree (i.e., post baccalaureate), but want to earn a Masters to teach? Are you a teacher but want to earn a Masters? Are you in the classroom but want to pursue an add-on endorsement or certificate?
Check out our Graduate Programs.
Request your Endorsement Review
For any questions regarding programs, please contact:
Dr. April Brecht
Director of Advising Center Services
Phone: (540) 286-8032
Email: abrecht@umw.edu