The College of Education is currently accepting applications for Student Research Funding. Funds will be allocated based on the clarity and strength of the purposes and rationale for requested funds (Section III).
The following list is intended to give suggestions for how students might use requested funds to support their research. It is not an exhaustive list; if students can benefit from research funding support, they should submit an application even if the purpose for which they seek funding is not listed below. Students must supply original invoices in order to receive reimbursement.
- Reimbursement for costs associated with library resources (e.g., Inter-library loan).
- Reimbursement for costs associated with data collection and analysis (e.g., fees for conducting online surveys; cost of formal assessments; special equipment, materials or supplies). Upon reimbursement, ownership of equipment, materials or supplies reverts to the College of Education.
- Reimbursement for travel associated with research (e.g., to conduct interviews, make observations).
- Reimbursement for costs associated with conference presentations (e.g., registration fee, copying handouts, travel reimbursement).
For consideration, please complete the application form and forward to your research course instructor or project advisor for review and preliminary approval. Fill out the COE-Student-Research-Fund-Application_11_19.