Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)

Kappa Delta Pi, or KDP, is a national Education honor society. Here at the University of Mary Washington we have the Nu Xi Chapter which is consisted of undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students who have been recommended by professors for their excellence in Education.

The Nu Xi Chapter website can be found at www.kappadeltapi.umwblogs.org

Meet the Officers

Name Position Email
Sara Roberts President
Sarah Bazemore Vice President
Amber Shannon Secretary
Emma Flowers Co-Treasurer
Emily Roets Co-Treasurer
Grace Sylvia Social Media Manager
Dr. Irish Faculty Advisor cirish@umw.edu


To qualify for KDP, students in the College of Education must maintain a 3.0 overall.

Must be able to pay dues.
One time payment of $12 UMW chapter dues
$45 international dues (must be renewed annually)

To maintain club membership members must earn 5 points per semester. Point opportunities are announced at monthly all member meetings.

Already a member? Report your points at our UMW blog: www.kappadeltapi.umwblogs.org



There are monthly meetings throughout the year where volunteer opportunities are announced. KDP helps local businesses such as the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank and also volunteers at UMW sponsored events such as Pumpkin Palooza.