College of Education Admissions
Undergraduate Pathways
Are you interested in teaching and entering our undergraduate licensure programs? There is a two-step process for admissions.
Step 1
All students interested in an undergraduate education program must take Phase 1 (EDUC 206 & EDUC 207) courses first. Please fill out the COE Phase 1 Questionnaire (link below) to request entrance into these two courses. Preference will be given to those with a 3.0 GPA or above.
Students interested in Elementary or Special Education should enroll in these courses during the second semester of their first year. Students interested in Secondary or PreK-12 Education should enroll in these courses during the first semester of their second year.
Step 2
During the semester you are enrolled in EDUC 206 & EDUC 207, you will need to complete the COE Application (link below).
Undergraduate Admission to the Teacher Education Program
Deadline: October 1st for Spring and February 15th for Fall
Are you a Transfer Student to UMW and interested in teaching?
Transfer students will follow the same two-step process as above. Transfer students should contact the UMW Director of Advising Center Services early in the transfer process to discuss the program requirements, a time for completion, and the transferability of any education courses. Students can transfer EDU 200, EDU 207, and EDU 250 from the Virginia Community College System. All other education courses will be evaluated individually.
Graduate Pathways
Do you have a bachelor’s degree and are now interested in teaching licensure?
For any questions regarding programs, please contact:
Dr. April Brecht
Director of Advising Center Services
Phone: (540) 286-8032
Office: Room 104, Seacobeck Hall